Focus on Christ Podcast
A veteran pastor and a family physician tackles the tough questions that challenge our resolve, our faith, and our hope.
Podcasting since 2021 • 129 episodes
Focus on Christ Podcast
Latest Episodes
Dealing with Bad Theology - Episode 128
"Discernment isn't knowing the difference between right and wrong, but between right and almost right."Satan doesn't lead us astray with bold lies but with partial truths.How do we recognize bad theology? And what do we do abou...
Episode 128

Foolishness of God
The foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom.The weakness of God is greater than man's strength.In our ever-darkening world, we need the light of God's word.
Episode 127

To Be Holy
None of us is flawless. How can we be holy? What does it mean to be holy? We do not make ourselves holy. Jesus makes us holy.